Rock’n’Roll High School
Losers don’t know how to behave triumphantly when they win.
Field notes on the movement and positioning of actors in movies.
Losers don’t know how to behave triumphantly when they win.
The cops are society’s super-ego, the girl is its id.
Dandyism and flâneurie as radical/misguided street theater.
“Awww, I like mushy stuff!”
Replete with images of loneliness, tedium, and paranoia.
They have no repertoire of bromantic chest-bumps.
Conveying emotional idealism via cluttered, awkward blocking.
She is wisdom, love, joy.
Otto will transcend the far too limiting punk-hippie dichotomy.
The hardboiled protagonist has developed a sentimentality-proof exoskeleton.
A chastened, bewildered, deeply grateful vector of southern-fried redemptive forces.
He’s a prawn trapped in a net.
They refuse to live like “schnooks.”
“One soldier more or less doesn’t make any difference, you know.”
“Bless me, what an unpleasant journey!”